ANDY Wong's paintings and Her wonderful performance at the internationnal cultune art  fair

王晓燕作品秀 ANDY wong绘画作品  画家园地
来源:www.51jkgl.com  2017.06,05

In May 31, 2017, 
ANDY Wong took hispaintings 
to the international joint exhibition of painters in korea. The following is a collection of her works and her many wonderful pictures at internationnal cultune art fair 王晓燕国际画家联展参展作品  Many paintings by And ANDY Wong ywere exhibited at the international painters' Union Exhibition

Many paintings by And ANDY Wong ywere exhibited at the international painters' Union Exhibition

王晓燕作品国际画家联展展位图(1)The location of ANDY Wong's paintings at internationnal cultune art   fair   

 The location of ANDY Wong's paintings at internationnal cultune art fair

王晓燕作品国际画家联展展位图(2)The location of ANDY Wong's paintings at internationnal cultune art   fair  


The location of ANDY Wong's paintings at internationnal cultune art fair

  王晓燕(右3)正在参加国际画家联展开幕式剪裁仪 ANDY Wong (right 3) is attending the opening ceremony of the opening ceremony of the internationnal cultune art   fair

ANDY Wong (right 3) attended the opening ceremony of the international cultural art fair

王晓燕在介绍参展作品 ANDY Wong is introducing her paintings to the show by people who have been visiting  王晓燕为参展作品做介绍 ANDY Wong is introducing her paintings to the show by people who have been visiting


ANDY Wong is introducing her paintings to the show by people who have been visiting 


ANDY Wong  (former left 2) is at a reception banquet at the international painters' joint exhibition

 国际画家联展的招待晚宴之后 王晓燕与其他国家的画加合影留念

国际画家联展的招待晚宴之后 王晓燕与其他国家的画家合影留念
After the international artist exhibition reception dinner ANDY wong pictures with other countries plus pictures



It is easy to see that ANDY wong, the youngest painter among the exhibitors, has a senior painter who believes that ANDY wong is a very promising painter. Her level of painting is growing at an alarming rate. Not only that, ANDY wong is not only a potential painter, she is also a successful entrepreneur. She has been Circle Logistics LTD(HK) for more than 10 years, and has been steadily moving forward. Her paintings and her business are creating a brilliance for her life.

健康网云平台跨界联盟  更多善如作品以及晓燕展会精彩内容  
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