

亚细亚美术招待展 书画家新闻 
来源:www.51jkgl.com  2017 04 08

书画艺术周刊报道:2017年4月8日下午在韩国举办的亚细亚美术招待展”在韩国美术馆隆重开幕。参展各国艺术家、书画家在热情友好的气氛中进行了丰富多彩文化艺术交流。“亚细亚美术招待展”是亚洲歷史悠久的艺术活动,在今年的展会上有来自全球的近500件书画作品在这里展出。 在此次展会中有16名参展书画家作品获奖。获奖16名参展书画家中有美国书画家3人, 韩国书画家5人,马来西亚书画家3人。新加坡书画家1人,日本书画家1人,中国和台湾书画家3人。中国书画新秀王晓燕(善如)作品“雀竹图”在此次展会中获奖。
2017年4月8日下午5:30分 在首尔Paciffic Hotel 举行了获奖作品颁奖仪式,韩国文化艺术研究会会长姜信雄亲临颁奖,并且举行了盛大的晚宴。
According to the Korean art and painting weekly report: in the afternoon of April 8, 2017, Seoul Asia art show held in the grand opening of the Korean art museum. Participating artists, painters and artists in a warm and friendly atmosphere of a variety of cultural and artistic exchanges. "Asia Conference art exhibition is Asia has a long history of art activities, in this year's exhibition of nearly 500 pieces of calligraphy and paintings from around the world on display here, in this exhibition has 16 exhibitors award-winning works of Chinese calligraphy, painting and calligraphy exhibition of 16 Award-winning American artists in 3, Korean calligraphy and painting painter 5 people, Malaysia painter 3. Singapore calligraphy and painting of 1 people, the Japanese book painter of 1 people, China and Taiwan calligraphy and painting of the 3. One of the Chinese painting and calligraphy rookie Wang Xiaoyan (Andy wang), such as the work of bird bamboo figure in the exhibition award.
On the afternoon of April 8, 2017 5:30 in Seoul Paciffic Hotel held awards ceremony, on the Korean culture and Arts Association Jiang Xinxiong award in person, after Paciffic Hotel held a grand banquet

亚细亚美术招待展上会长姜信雄亲自给画家王晓燕颁奖。      亚细亚美术招待展上马来西亚画家叶宝心先生与王晓燕(善如)获奖作品前合影        






亚细亚美术招待展上获奖画家在颁奖厅合影留念 王晓燕(善如)右4
Award winning painters and artists in the award hall photo The fourth on the right is Wang Xiaoyan



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